
China Automotive Metal Part Manufacturers is created and attracted to them

I guarantee that you know somebody like this. You'll find all kinds of books about medicines, about diseases, about cures for every ailment known to man. My challenge to you is to pay attention to what you are thinking about. I believe I can look at anyone's life, their health, wealth or relationships and determine what kinds of thoughts they entertain on a regular basis. An amazingly loving and wonderful relationship. We are drawn towards what we think about.
Example 2 - Wealth
We talked about health. Guess what kind of relationship they have. When you talk to a person who is struggling financially, who never seems to be able to make ends meet, what do they generally talk about and what do you think are the images and thoughts in their mind? Well, I know people like that also. You can scarcely get them to talk about themselves because they continually talk about this other person who is making them so miserable.
Yet I know another couple, a very happy couple.
Example 3 - Relationships
I know a couple that has an extremely negative relationship. When you are with one or the other what is it that they are talking about? What's on their minds? What visions do they have in their minds? It's always about the other person and how bad their relationship is, how awful they are, the things they don't do, how miserable they are and on and on. Therefore they have attracted that in their life. They are constantly thinking about it and constantly talking about it. That's where their mind is - it's on their health problems. They are in their eighties.
Thank you. He talked about her "amazing" talents and how wonderful of a person she was." Well, I'm suggesting to you that the reason that they don't have those negative things in their lives, those negative experiences, and the reason they have wealth, is because they think about wealth, they think about what they want, what they desire and they have positive thoughts, positive vibrations that are sent out and that is what China Automotive Metal Part Manufacturers is created and attracted to them.
I believe the evidence is clear. When I'm with them they continually talk and complain about how bad things are, about how they never have enough money, how their spouse always spends all the money they have, how they need a better job, how they need to earn more money and on and on. Let's talk about wealth. Am I right?
When you talk to healthy people, people who have energy, who seem to just radiate with good health - what do you experience them thinking about and talking about and doing? Is it any of the negative stuff? No! Usually they're eating healthy food, they're talking about the next race their going to run or their latest workout - it's always positive and good things. The healthy person, because they are healthy, that's what they talk about and maybe that's how it came about and not the other way around.
People have health because that's the way they think, that's the way they talk and that's the way they feel about their health.
Example 1 - Health
Have you noticed that the people that are ill or sick on a frequent basis are usually the ones who are continually talking about illnesses and sickness? It's on their minds - look at their bookshelves.
Now you might think, well is it the chicken before the egg or the egg before the chicken? Which came first? Maybe they became unhealthy and therefore that's what they talk about.
Read more about this topic in my first two articles:
The Law of Attraction Part 1 - My Take
The Law of Attraction Part 2 - It's No Secret
When you talk and associate with someone who has wealth, what do they talk about, what do they think about? Is it continually on negative things?
You might say, "Well of course they're not going to talk about negative things, they don't have any negative things in their life. And guess what-they continually have those same things in their life. We create in our lives what we think about. I listened to the way he talked about her in front of me and I was amazed at how loving, how kind, how gentle he spoke about her as if she was a queen. They can't stand to be with each other. I was just with them the other day and I watched their interaction with each other. And she talked about her husband in the same manner. She was sitting right there and she was simply glowing. What are your dominant thoughts on a day to day basis? Then change them to correspond with what you truly desire and you will literally change your destiny by changing your thoughts. Maybe so, but I intend to prove it otherwise. You can hardly sit down with them and have a conversation with them without them telling you about what pain or ailment they are suffering with that day or that week.
People have wealth because that's the way they think, that's the way they talk and that's the way they feel about wealth.
Now again, is it the chicken before the egg or the egg before the chicken? Do they talk that way and feel that way about each other because they have such a great relationship or do they have such a China Machining Part Suppliers great relationship because they talk that way and feel that way about each other?
I submit to you that they have that kind of relationship because that's the way they think, that's the way they talk and that's the way they feel about each other

